Behind the scenes, it takes a lot of complex technology and sophisticated software to make an advanced reading platform run so seamlessly. At vRad, our incomparable team of technologists and programmers are developing some of the most advanced applications in the medical industry, all with the goal of empowering radiologists to practice radiology free from unnecessary interruptions, distractions, logistical hurdles, and administrative burdens.
What YOU get is a platform that seamlessly integrates case management, PACS, voice-recognition dictation, structured reporting systems, patient health records and communications systems. It employs proprietary artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), and other advanced technologies.
Your reading platform matters. So, what does a platform built for radiologists by radiologists look like? Let me show you.
From my perspective in my home reading room, everything is simplified. I have a single program that can perform all the functions required for diagnostic study. Period.
All of vRad's systems are thoroughly integrated. All of the studies that come to us have all of the informational elements required for an interpretation. If communication or additional information is required, we have automated systems and the support of our operations center to help supply them for you. That’s practicing pure radiology.
Following is a slice of a typical day in my home reading room. On the left is what I experience. On the right is what the vRad platform does for me behind the scenes.
My pure radiology experience |
Behind the scenes |
I select the next available case on my worklist.
All information and images are already cached to my workstation and ready for my review. Images are displayed in my preferred hanging protocol and the order includes presenting symptoms, a complete patient history and the referring hospital and clinician information. |
I see subtle indications of ischemic stroke. |
Unbeknownst to me, the case had been elevated to the top of my worklist when AI detected a potential critical finding in the case images. |
I decide to confirm my finding with a colleague.
After he validates my findings, one click and we are both returned to our respective cases. |
The system identifies the up to 200 other vRad physicians available online at any time. The chosen colleague receives an alert on his screen. When he accepts the invitation, we are immediately connected via video chat, with a mutually controllable view of the images to expedite discussion. |
I finish my dictation and make just one click to “process” the raw information into a fully structured diagnostic report. |
The system automatically populates report fields, categorizes findings, confirms reporting standards and billing requirements are met, and checks for potential errors such as left/right or male/female discrepancies. |
I receive an alert on my screen that a critical finding has been identified and the system is already trying to get the ordering physician on the phone. |
Through natural language processing, the system recognized the critical finding in my dictation and immediately placed the call to the ordering physician. |
I move on to my next case and continue working while the physician is being called. |
If the ordering physician answers the call, they can be immediately connected to the radiologist. If the call is not answered, the 24/7 vRad Operations Center jumps in to locate the physician and notifies me the moment the physician is on the line. |
A pop-up on my screen alerts me that the clinician is on the line. One click connects us and brings the critical case images to my screen. |
Even if I’ve completed a dozen studies while awaiting a call-back, the system will recall all the relevant critical case images and documents to the screen once the clinician is on the line. Instantly, I’m ready to discuss my findings. |
After our call, one click returns me to the case I had been working on. |
The system records the date and time of the clinical consult, closes the critical case files, remembers where I was on the open study, and returns me to that point. |
No radiology practice is in a better position to successfully meld radiological and technological expertise than vRad.
P.S. The human resources that support my work at vRad are incredible and indispensable, too. But that’s a story for another blog.
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