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Josh Sokol, MD

Having served in traditional practice settings before joining vRad in 2009, Dr. Sokol credits the job flexibility and administrative support he’s experienced as a teleradiologist with allowing him to devote more time and attention to humanitarian needs. In April 2018, Dr. Sokol helped launch First Read Initiative for vRad, to make diagnostic studies accessible to patients in unserved and underserved regions around the globe. He currently serves on its board of directors.

How Radiology Philanthropy Is Making a Global Impact on Care

Imagine having a 150-bed hospital without a radiology department. Imagine being an obstetrician in an isolated area without access to ultrasound. Imagine trying to diagnose complex conditions by physical exam alone. Across the globe, medical professionals face challenges like these every day. Over 60% of the world’s population lacks access to radiology services or imaging technology. Many don’t even have access to reliable power or transportation, much less any medical care.  

Now imagine you are part of the solution. 

10 Reasons I’m a vRad Lifer

Originally published by Michael Walter on Radiology Business

Looking back on my career as a radiologist—now in its 22nd year and counting—I see three themes consistently guiding my “work-life balance.” These would be control, culture and lifestyle. Let me explain.

First Read Initiative: Making Imaging Accessible to Those in Need

Over 4 billion people – two-thirds of the global population – do not have access to imaging technology or radiology services, according to RAD-AID. The lack of effective diagnostic tools has dire consequences for patients in unserved and underserved regions of the world.



    Hear vRad radiologists describe the reading platform, radiologist support and lifestyle benefits. 

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