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Radiologist, Image Thyself

Like you, I assumed from the start that a career in radiology would be a perfect fit. I thought I would always be happy with my choice of specialty and enjoy the anticipated rewards of being a physician. I didn’t consider how over time, the field would change, my personal life would change, or what I wanted would change.

Radiology Insight Essential to Precision Medicine, Excellence

Today we have the capability—unparalleled in human history—to compile enormous amounts of information, then apply sophisticated analytic tools and artificial intelligence to help solve patients’ most vexing difficulties. Managing big data is essential to building specialized centers of excellence, and diagnostic imaging is a vital part of their success.

Why The Optimal Radiology Study Requires Patient-Centered Imaging

Patient expectations have changed. Rising healthcare costs are driving patients to demand more information when confronted with a medical issue, and technology is empowering them with access to that information. Today, radiologists are much more likely to interact directly with patients, where previously clinicians mediated imaging reports.

Disaster Recovery Models & Gauging Nine(s) | Maintaining Server Redundancy in a Highly Available Environment

As a 24/7/365 radiology company, vRad’s technology is the backbone of everything we do. In order to deliver patient care, our client facilities must be able to communicate with our servers – and for us, that’s every day, every night, every weekend, every holiday… you get the picture.

The Cost of Non-Compliance and How to Avoid it | Instructional Design Lite

Picture this: someone on your team has gone the “extra mile” only to have those solid efforts backfire so far and so hard that now not just your team will suffer, but your company may miss earnings goals and lose gains made in the marketplace for at least a year.[1]

CAD-RADS: Improving Cardiac Care with a Common Language


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the world, killing 17.7 million people a year.  That's a third of all deaths on the planet and half of all non-communicable-disease-related deaths. Cardiac imaging and vascular imaging are critical in foreseeing an event before it happens.

Why vRad? Radiologist Lifestyle Profile: Siva Bodagala, MD

It’s Wednesday afternoon at 2:59 p.m.: time for vRad radiologist Siva Bodagala to go to work.

He ascends a flight of stairs in his suburban Houston home and arrives in his home-office promptly at 3 p.m.

The 60-second commute is about 60 minutes shorter than the one required to get him to his previous job as an assistant professor of radiology at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)—Galveston Campus.

And it’s immensely less stressful.

MEDNAX Radiology Roundtable: Winning in Today’s Radiology Environment

Key Strategies to Drive Success in Your Practice—View On-Demand the MEDNAX Radiology Leadership Discussion.

“Knowledge is power.” This maxim is as true today as when Francis Bacon first uttered it some 400 years ago.

How Finding Nemo is Helping Find Better Ways to Diagnose and Treat Cardiac Disease

Through CGI (computer-generated imagery), the folks at Pixar – creators of Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and Monsters, Inc. – allow audiences to explore and experience incredible worlds of perceptible dimension, nuanced shading and subtle detail. 



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