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Deploying Better Build Automation: The 5th Key to Developing a DevOps Culture

Welcome back to the vRad Technology Quest Series. We’ve shared how vRad builds and deploys code (vRad Development Pipeline (#2)). This article is an in-depth look at our build automation strategy: how we build the system that builds the code. This is one of my favorite topics and I’ll be explaining some of the more technical aspects of the development pipeline.

Smarter Test Automation: The 4th Key to Unlocking a DevOps Culture

vRad’s philosophy around frequently deploying software updates relies heavily on test automation, which ensures adequate test coverage for each release. Test automation is one of the most challenging aspects of software development at vRad; and we’ve tackled it in a multi-pronged approach that is continually evolving.


Critical Relay Times and the Future of Stroke and Trauma Treatment

 Today is our third and final post in deference to Stroke and Trauma Awareness Month:

Trauma Awareness Month and vRad’s Impact

As I mentioned in my last post, May is both Trauma and Stroke Awareness month. vRad serves hundreds of trauma and stroke centers across the U.S.  The intention of this blog series is to provide a behind-the-scenes look into our process for triaging stroke and trauma studies and relaying critical findings. 

The 3rd Key to Unlocking a DevOps Culture: Dev Environments on a Dime

Today in the vRad technology quest we set forth to understand Dev (or test) Environments.

Let’s jump right in.

vRad’s Expanded Radiologist Education Platform Provides More Free Radiology CME

Since 2010, vRad has provided high-quality, free continuing medical education – but I’ve always thought that there was an opportunity to share more with the radiology community.

My background has allowed me to collect thousands of interesting cases, including many rare cases some radiologists may never have the chance to see in practice. This year we set out to share more cases than ever before by presenting this library of cases in a new interactive way, and on a new platform.

Explore Healthcare Cybersecurity Threat, Protection | Webinar Recording Now Available

You don’t have to work in the information security industry to know the challenge virtually all organizations face.


Stroke Awareness Month and vRad’s Impact

May is both Stoke and Trauma awareness month.  In recognition of this, we will be publishing a series of 3 posts covering:

  1. Stroke information and our impact;
  2. Trauma information and our impact;
  3. Critical relay times and the future of stroke and trauma treatment.

The 2nd Key to Unlocking a DevOps Culture: The vRad Development Pipeline

Welcome back to the vRad Technology Quest.

At vRad, we value our ability to deliver frequent, regular, and minimally interruptive releases and today I’ll provide an overview of the development pipeline we utilize to achieve those releases.



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